Saturday, March 16, 2013

Movie Review: 'The Taint'

     There are some movies with massive budgets and huge stories and incredible special effects. There are movies with giant budgets but they just turn out horribly. Then there are the low budget movies, that accomplish a lot with a small(ish) budget, and put all the other big budget movies to shame. Then, at the other end of the spectrum, there are no-budget movies, that somehow accomplish a lot and prove to be a huge source of entertainment. That doesn't mean necessarily it's a good movie. Take 'Birdemic: Shock and Terror', for example. One of the worst movies ever conceived, yet it's so unbelievably bad, it makes for an experience that is nothing short of outright hilarity. 

     'The Taint' is another no-budget type of film, and from a technical standpoint, it's actually quite impressive, considering its lack of budget. The casual filmgoer will likely view this movie (or 10 seconds of it) and dismiss it as an utter piece of trash. Which, going strictly by the plot synopsis, you'll probably get the same opinion. Taken directly from the movie's official website: "The Taint is an independent horror-comedy with the most dick explosions ever caught on camera." And yes, you read that right.

Oh yes, there will be blood.

     Basically, the plot of indie filmmakers Dan Nelson and Drew Bolduc's 'The Taint' is (probably best) summed up like this. The water supply of a local town is tainted with a poison that causes all males that consume it to become filled with an unstoppable rageful hate against all women, and makes them want to pick up the nearest rock or large object, and smash their heads in. So in a nutshell, this tainted water makes them want to kill women. And much worse than that. If this sounds horrible to you, I have two things to say to you. 1, that's not even the worst act committed in this film. And B, this is not a movie you can take seriously. At all. The acting, direction, editing, story, characters, what have you, is so ridiculously over-the-top, and has a cheesy, campy, no-budget feel, you can't possibly take it seriously. Picture 'Birdemic' if it actually had (slightly) better dialogue and acting, only much, much more adult content. 

The lead character Phil, played by Drew Bolduc.

The violence in this movie is insane. And pretty impressive as well. There are better gory SFX in this movie than in a lot of so-called big budget horror films I've seen before. It's still cheesy looking, for sure, but it's done so well, you can't help but cringe in some spots. Also, the music is just amazing. One of the best soundtracks to a movie I've ever heard before. Seriously, even if whatever is happening onscreen looks crappy and lame, the music makes it seem like a badass horror comedy from the 1980s. I might be a sick person for enjoying this, but I thought it actually had a decent story, more story than I was even expecting for a movie like this. The acting, yes it's pretty awful, but it reminded me a lot of 'Napoleon Dynamite', especially the lead character, aviator glasses/blonde mullet wig sporting Phil O'Ginny, played by writer/director Drew Bolduc. Drew plays two different characters throughout the movie, and a lot of his line deliveries made me laugh hard. He had that goofy, half-awake voice and mannerisms that reminded me a lot of Napoleon. Only a much, MUCH more adult version.

This movie has some pretty crazy (and awesome) visuals.

I feel already as if I've given away too much. Go in expecting to be disgusted and repulsed (this is a Troma-released film, after all), and you might walk away surprised at just how entertaining and hilarious this movie is. Seriously, I've watched this movie twice today already, and I'm already in the mood to watch it again. I don't know if it's just that entertaining, or if I'm just really messed up in the head.

Either way, this is a movie that would be best viewed alongside any trashy/exploitation/grindhouse/Troma feature, and, along with some beers and group of friends, could make for a perfect movie-watching experience. Granted you have the stomach for it.

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